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trade services


  • You are in business, looking for the best supplier or professional trade services?
  • You can’t find your product?
  • You need a customized item?
  • You have suppliers but you are afraid to receive the wrong product?
  • You got everything done but you don’t know how to deal with the logistics, export and shipping side?

We are here to HELP you.

sourcing from sahara


Whether you are small or mid size company, you are always in need for raw materials products or trade services for your business, reaching the right supplier is your key to success. Let us know what you are looking for and we will find the most suitable and reliable one based on your requirement.

After selecting the right supplier we can:

  • Arrange factory visit.
  • Arrange product sample for confirmation.
  • Negotiate the order to get the best price and conditions.
  • Start the purchase process.
production photo


You want to create a new product, change some specifications for an existing item or make completely a new development. We can assist you from the designing idea to the finished product.

inspection photo


To avoid bad surprises we execute a random pre-shipment inspection for all orders and we report the result to our clients.

  • Favorable result: arrange the shipment
  • Unfavorable result: Negotiate a solution with the supplier.


After getting your goods ready and the inspection pass without any problems, we go to the next step, preparing the export documents and required certificates, booking the space and arranging the shipment by air or by sea to reach your requested destination. If your goods are from different suppliers and you are willing to load in one container, we can receive all the goods in our warehouse to be shipped together.

Welcome to contact us